Latest Wedding Invitations

February 17, 2008

I love pink and red together, with white over the dominant portion. These invitations are very striking and modern, with colourful graphics to match the couples personality! There was a seating plan, placecard, invitation, order of service and a dinner menu. Possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination! For Wedding invitations email me at Overseas orders not a problem!

Wedding Invitations

New greeting cards with a special kiwi saying – Float my boat baby! Comes in 3 colours. Orders via email Come separately or in packs.

Float my boatFloat my boatfloat my boat

Quirky Love cards

December 20, 2007

Would like to introduce the new quirky love cards I have just had printed. These are great for when you want to raise a smile! Available in chocolate and yellow, chocolate and red or chocolate and blue, perfect for men, women and kids! Choose your answer according to how you feel. Sizes range from DL through to gift cards. $5 and $2 for the smaller gift card sizes.

Quirky love blueQuirky love redQuirky love yellow